Grupo PWM


780 MCA Family Dual Digital Multichannel Analyzer

780 MCA Family Dual Digital Multichannel Analyzer

The 780 MCA family is composed by compact, stand-alone dual digital 16k MCA with integrated HV & Preamplifier Power Supply, available in desktop and NIM from factors.

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The 780 MCA family is composed by compact, stand-alone dual digital 16k MCA with integrated HV & Preamplifier Power Supply, available in desktop and NIM from factors.
They are designed for high energy resolution semiconductor detectors, like HPGe and Silicon detectors with resistive feedback Charge Sensitive Preamplifiers.
The 780 MCA family integrates advanced firmware algorithms operating Digital Pulse Processing for Pulse Height Analysis (PHA). The processing algorithms can be easily adapted to different detectors and application ensuring effective data analysis even at high count rates. It provides advanced tools for configuring baseline restoration, pile-up rejection. Thanks to the two input simultaneous acquisition, the modules are able to manage coincidence and anti-coincidence logic between detectors, allowing the user, for example, to easily take advantage of background rejection or anti-Compton techniques. These MCAs may provide at the same time energy, time stamp and the digitized pulse in a configurable time window (e.g. including the rising edge region) in order to perform further oine analysis. Acquisition settings and basic mathematical analysis are performed through the MC2Analyzer software, providing energy spectra with up to 16k channels, which can be exported and imported in ASCII or N42.42 compliant files. CAEN further provides drivers for the supported communication interfaces; configuration software tools, C and LabVIEW libraries (CAENComm, CAENDigitzer, CAENDPP), demo applications and utilities.
The high voltage supply channel can be ordered in three different versions to meet detector requirements: rated up to ±5 kV/300 μA for high purity germanium detectors, ±4 kV/3 mA (limited to 4 W) for scintillation detectors and ±500 V/3 mA for silicon and diamond detectors.

Dual independent 16k Digital MCA available in desktop and NIM from factors
Dedicated to high resolution gamma ray spectroscopy with HPGe detectors
Two HV power supply outputs and HV inhibit inputs for detector safety
Two DB9 connectors for preamplifier power supply
Digital oscilloscope function for an easy setup and signal monitoring
Software adjustable coarse and fine gain
Features Digital Pulse Processing for PHA, providing energy and time stamp in list mode
Software adjustable digital shaping filter, baseline restoration
On-line pile-up rejection and software dead time evaluation
Suited for high count rate applications
Configurable coincidence or anti-coincidence of signals in the two analog inputs
USB 2.0 and Optical Link communication interfaces
Drivers, libraries and API for Windows and Linux 32/64-bit
MC2Analyzer software to manage the acquisition and to perform basic spectrum analysis

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